در زندگی زخم هایی هست که مثل خوره روح را آهسته در انزوا می خورد و می تراشد
همیشه به چیزهایی ایمان داشتم. همیشه فکر میکردم عشق نهایت قدرت درونیه. همیشه به اعتمادم می بالیدم. برام بسیار خوش بود که اعتمادم جلب یک نفره که واقعا مورد اعتماده. فک میکردم اگر کسانی ازم بخان انسان معتمد و صادقی معرفی کنم بی درنگ اسمشو به زبون میارم.
ولی الان اگه توی دنیا خدا از ملائکه بپرسه ساده ترین آدم دنیارو معرفی کنید میدونم که بی درنگ همشون اسم منو میگن.
در زندگی آدم خیلی زخم میخوره . زخمهایی که اذیت میکنن آدمو. ولی اگر زخمی مثل خوره افتاد تو روحت دیگه تمومه. دیگه نمیشه جبرانش کرد. همیشه سعی کردم زخمی نشم. به یاد داشته باشیم دشمنان جلوی آدم رجز میخونن ,فریاد میزنن و شاید خنجری بهت بزنن ولی مهم نیست. اینجور زخمها نوشه. ولی زخمی که از دوست میرسه, زخم نیست سوگندیه که برای اثبات سادگیت می نوشی
برای کسی که اومده اینجا تا حال درونیه منو بدونه:
She is quiet now
There is a child in my head. I know -
you thought she was dead but
your habits made time stand still.
It is uncommonly common
so we are told - to be
frozen, to be caught in a
freeze frame, to be stuck
at that point of bodyshock.
You will say you were a victim
not she not I not we. You
cannot help it.
You aim for pity
in this game
we play.
We played for a epoch -
I count the days and I
wait for her self to return.
I did not know she was gone.
I did not know she would never come back.
I did not know you had stolen her
and in the stealing there had been a death.
Did you?
Gripped by unnatural lust
you must, I believe, you must
lie sometimes in a pool of tears.
Do you?
She is forever five
She could not grow up or
grow past your season of
treason and play.
made her hateful
made her hate me
made her dead while alive.
you are always looming
large in her eye.
died and yes you can die
and your strength does not diminish.
She is quiet now after
the epoch
of screaming.
No one heard no one cared no one came.
Thunder loud tears
bring no help.
She is quiet now.
your habits made time stand still.
It is uncommonly common
so we are told - to be
frozen, to be caught in a
freeze frame, to be stuck
at that point of bodyshock.
You will say you were a victim
not she not I not we. You
cannot help it.
You aim for pity
in this game
we play.
We played for a epoch -
I count the days and I
wait for her self to return.
I did not know she was gone.
I did not know she would never come back.
I did not know you had stolen her
and in the stealing there had been a death.
Did you?
Gripped by unnatural lust
you must, I believe, you must
lie sometimes in a pool of tears.
Do you?
She is forever five
She could not grow up or
grow past your season of
treason and play.
made her hateful
made her hate me
made her dead while alive.
you are always looming
large in her eye.
died and yes you can die
and your strength does not diminish.
She is quiet now after
the epoch
of screaming.
No one heard no one cared no one came.
Thunder loud tears
bring no help.
She is quiet now.
+ + + + +
زیر نویس: من نمیدونم صادق هدایت رو چرا اینقدر گنگ میبینم ولی تیتر نوشته ام رو به جمله معروف صادق اختصاص دادم. چون شدیدا به این جمله ایمان دارم
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